ThermalColours: emotional spa wellness rituals!
A different approach to the spa world.
Rituals that blend fine raw materials, intense aromatherapy and color therapy depending on the target to be treated.
White to exfoliate 50′ – euro 70,00
- Scent: myrrh
- Function: detoxifying
- Active ingredient: silica shells. Promotes cell turnover by making the skin velvety. An impalpable scrub for a new radiance.
Yellow to slim 50′ – euro 70.00
- Scent: cool
- Function: draining
- Active ingredient: patented thermal seaweed ETS08, unique to the Euganean Thermal Basin. The combination of highly concentrated ETS08 with specific active substances promotes lipolytic processes, improving cellular metabolic efficiency and drainage.
Red for a 50′ action euro 70.00
- Scent: grape
- Function: anti-aging protection
- Active ingredient: polyphenols from pomace from the Euganean Hills. Polyphenol-rich wine bioliquefact acts by defending the skin against external aggressions.
Completing the line are 2 exclusive products:
- Full-body massage cream, 500 ml, based on salso-bromo-iodine thermal water from the Euganean Thermal Basin and microorganisms matured in Europe’s patented Euganean mud (ETS08), enriched with shea butter and sesame oil. Myrrh-scented.
- Thermal water spray, 125 ml, particularly suitable after being exposed to the sun or after swimming in the pool, its antioxidant properties counteract the agents that cause aging, giving radiance and nourishing the skin thanks to the contribution of the microorganisms matured in the Euganean mud (ETS03), enriched with moisturizing hyaluronic acid. A magical, zero-mile, all-natural anti-aging potion to carry with you at all times to restore tone, elasticity and glow to your skin.